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February 2025
18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1
Sep 28, 2024, 16:13

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

The 2024 ASCO Quality Care Symposium is currently taking place on September 27-28, 2024, in San Francisco, California.

This event is bringing together leaders from the quality care community to discuss advancements in cancer care quality. Attendees are engaging in presentations, collaborative discussions, and networking opportunities, all aimed at enhancing cancer-focused quality care.

Participants are submitting abstracts to showcase their research related to oncology quality care. The symposium includes various tracks for exploring specific areas of interest in quality improvement and patient care, serving as a vital platform for professionals committed to advancing cancer treatment standards.

Here are some highlights from the event:

Shearwood McClelland III:

“ASCOQLTY24 is about to begin! Fantastic to spend time with Dr. Natalie Dickson MD FASCO and meeting chair Dr.
Raymond Osarogiagbon! The first session (Patient Navigation in Cancer Care) begins in 10 minutes!”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Fumiko Ladd Chino:

“Amazed to hear Drs. Ethan Basch and Deborah Schrag would meet at Java Girl while Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center to discuss Health Services Research. It’s where I first met Dr. Emeline Aviki and we started our livelong collaboration to reduce financial Toxicity and improve access to care.

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Dr. Emeline Aviki and I meeting for the first time at Java Girl. How many Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center collaborations have started over a cup of coffee here?”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Stacey Tinianov:

“This man is one of the first people, with MD after their name, who I watched elevate and amplify Patient Reported Outcomes. Excited to hear Dr. Ethan Basch share his wisdom in the Joseph V Simone award lecture.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Melody Schiaffino:

“Dr. Ethan Basch receives the Joseph Simone Quality Care Award at ASCOQLTY24 his talk focuses on the future of quality cancer care research.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Fumiko Ladd Chino:

” ‘Focusing on the patient experience is a powerful driver. We are all aligned in our ultimate goal. Patient-centered care is good business.’

Dr. Ethan Basch the Joe Simone Award lecture at ASCO.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Phuong Gallagher:

“The overall ratio of Clinical Trials enrollment is 8 (industry):1 (federal). There is an increasing reliance in the U.S. on industry to conduct cancer clinical research. This highlights comparative UNDERinvestment in federally sponsored research.”

Fumiko Ladd Chino:

” ‘Why is cancer care a maze, and why is that maze so complex?’ Dr. Manali Patel, ASCOQLTY24 on the provider perspective on patient-centered navigation.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Joseph Kim:

“Excited to hear about patient navigation in cancer, from theory to practice ASCOQLTY24 improving patient care.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Manisha Bhattacharya:

“Packed room at ASCOQLTY24 here in SF! Manali Patel asking tough Q’s about the intention and lof patient navigation programs. I agree with her that navigation is an (essential) band-aid on a clunky healthcare system. We owe it to pts to adapt programs to local context and prove value to payers/orgs.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Melody Schiaffino:

“Dr. Grace Smith presents a case encapsulating the reality of financial toxicity for older adults, showing the compounding effects of income, health literacy, access, and more. This is before taking into account treatment making navigation essential support.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Fumiko Ladd Chino:

“Interventions to increase serious illness conversations often focus on acute moments in the care trajectory. This study suggests that ongoing, staged approaches are vital for goal-concordant care and may be better integrated into workflows.
Anne Montgomery, PhD, MSc.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Mohana Roy:

“Inspiring Joe Simone quality lecture on perseverance of a journey of finding a problem (uncontrolled symptoms), finding a solution( ePRO), implementation and more.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Phuong Gallagher:

“Technology and social support services are critical to supporting patient navigation, but we need to be diligent in ensuring that this does not widen disparities in patient care.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Fumiko Ladd Chino:

” ‘On the Verge of a Golden Age in Quality Cancer Care’.

Dr. Ethan Basch receives the Joe Simone Award at ASCO, ASCOQLTY24 for his career developing the field of patient reported outcomes to improve patient-centered care.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Idalid Franco:

“Fantastic ASCOQLTY24 session
Patient Navigation in Cancer Care: Moving from Theory to Practice

  • Patient Navigation should be tailored for patients and communities patient-centered
  • Follow measures and metrics at different time points
  • Include payers to ensure sustainability.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Fumiko Ladd Chino:

“Ms Rivers: ‘70% of black women are the head of their household’ The Chrysalis Initiative was born from Jamil’s experiences offering guidance to women on how to thrive with #breastcancer. At 39 years old, Jamil was diagnosed with de novo MBC.

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

‘I got catapulted in a new world, I needed to learn a lot very quickly. I didn’t want my family to go under.’ Ms Jamil Rivers opens the 1st session of ASCOQLTY24 with her story and what she realized about breast Cancer disparities… her motivation to improve the standard of care.”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

Emily Podany:

“Powerful talk by Ms. Rivers about breast cancer disparities, the failures of the healthcare system in caring for Black women with breast cancer, The Chrysalis Initiative, and the importance of patient navigation at ASCOQLTY24. So inspiring and a call to action.”

Shearwood McClelland III:

“Great to co-chair the Cost, Value and Policy session with Dr. Carly Paterson at ASCOQLTY24 which was jam-packed with outstanding presentations from all across the United States!”

18 Posts Not To Miss From ASCOQLTY24 Day 1

More posts featuring ASCOQLTY24 on oncodaily.com