Meet the SIOP Europe Board Member and Policy Affairs Lead, Gilles Vassal
Sep 26, 2024, 16:07

Meet the SIOP Europe Board Member and Policy Affairs Lead, Gilles Vassal

SIOP Europe shared on LinkedIn:

“Today is the day!

Meet the SIOP Europe Board Member and Policy Affairs Lead, Gilles Vassal.

Dedicated to highlighting the needs that still need to be addressed regarding childhood cancer, Gilles Vassal will join as a speaker today at our annual policy event.

Join us also today on the topic of ‘Why should Childhood Cancer stay high on the EU agenda for 2024-2029?’. This Gold September we can make a significant impact on keeping childhood cancer a priority for the EU agenda!

Not registered yet? Join us immediately.”

Proceed to the video attached to the post.
Source: SIOP Europe/LinkedIn

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Gilles Vassal is a Professor of Oncology at the University Paris-Saclay.  Former head of Clinical Research, he is currently heading the Pediatric Research programme at Gustave Roussy Comprehensive Cancer Center in France, a large cancer centre with 12,000 new patients annually. He is Past-President (2013-2015) and currently Board Member of the European Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe) driving the EU Paediatric Oncology Policy agenda of several topics.