Valerie Yang: HaNSA – Head and Neck Sarcoma Assessor
Sep 27, 2024, 15:11

Valerie Yang: HaNSA – Head and Neck Sarcoma Assessor

Valerie Yang, Consultant at National Cancer Centre Singapore, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“No. HaNSA isn’t the name of a Korean girl band. It’s the Head and Neck Sarcoma Assessor, a prognostic calculator that helps clinicians managing these rare cancers to better guide treatment decisions. Scan the QR code to try the app out for yourself.

Thankful for a fun collaboration with my whole team of colleagues, students, data and statistics team at the National Cancer Centre Singapore, the Bioinformatics Institute, A*STAR, the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) and the clinical team at National Cancer Centre Singapore.

Thank you also to Rick Haas, Tom Wei-Wu Chen for insightful discussion when this was first presented at the CUHK Sarcoma Masterclass and to Herbert Loong for the opportunity to present this work and more.”

Tittle: Head and Neck Sarcoma Assessor (HaNSA) for treatment decisions using real-world data

Authors: M.Y.S. See, J.J.N. Goh, C.E. Low, C.E. Yau, W.S. Ong, R.X. Wong, N.F. Mohamed Noor, M.H.B.H. Mohamed, J.T. Suha, A.N.H. Sairi, W.L. Goh, X.Y. Woo and V.S. Yang

Valerie Yang: HaNSA - Head and Neck Sarcoma Assessor

Source: Valerie Yang/LinkedIn