Matt Wilson: Updated good practice paper on CNS prophylaxis in LBCL
Aug 12, 2024, 13:10

Matt Wilson: Updated good practice paper on CNS prophylaxis in LBCL

Matt Wilson, Consultant Haematomogist specialising in lymphoma at The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, shared on X:

“Just published in British Journal of Haematology – an updated BSH – Haematology good practice paper on the ever-controversial topic of CNS prophylaxis in LBCL!

Pleasure to work with Kate Cwynarski, Toby Eyre, Jeff Smith, Sridhar Chaganti, Chris Fox and Pam McKay on this.

Brief summary:

  • Increased emphasis on baseline screening
  • ‘Offer’ HD-MTX +/or IT to patients with testicular LBCL
  • ‘Consider’ HD-MTX in other high-risk patients (but omission entirely may be acceptable after risk/benefit discussion)
  • Use max. 2x HD-MTX at end of systemic treatment”

Source: Matt Wilson/X

Matt Wilson

Authors: Matthew R. Wilson, Kate Cwynarski, Toby A. Eyre, Jeffery Smith, Sridhar Chaganti, Christopher P. Fox, Pamela McKay

Central nervous system prophylaxis in large B-cell lymphoma: A British Society for Haematology Good Practice Paper