8 Posts Not To Miss From GUWorld24!
Aug 4, 2024, 14:30

8 Posts Not To Miss From GUWorld24!

The 2024 World Conference On Genitourinary Cancers (GUWorld24) took place from August 1st to 3rd at the New-York Historical Society Museum and Library in New York City.


Our team at OncoDaily has selected a few highlights from the GUWorld24 conference that you should not miss!

Andrea Apolo

Great debate by Jason Efstathiou and John Sfakianos on radical cystectomy vs trimodality bladder preservation in muscle invasive bladder cancer at the GUWorld24.


Neeraj Agarwal

Recommendations on bladder preservation in MIBC bladder-cancer by the IBCG panel at the WorldGU24. Excellent talk by Shilpa Gupta: How to select patients, techniques to use, and how to follow these patients?


Shilpa Gupta

An amazing session with The Uromigos – Tom Powles and Brian Rini with community oncologists to discuss the real world practice patterns in GU cancers at the GUWorld24.


Michael Harrison

Brian Rini pointing out that after ~20 years, we don’t fully know how to use TKIs in mRCC. Intermittent TKI used in real world practice. Provocative supporting data from STAR. Need data of iTKI in prospective obs. studies like ODYSSEY as well.


Brian Rini

Fun session and our community oncology panel was AMAZING. Thanks to Uramiga Dana Rathkopf for leading the prostate cancer portion.


Tian Zhang

Just a few great moments at GUWorld24– Hannah Dzimitrowicz McManus, and Melissa A. Reimers rising GU stars, supermen Bradley McGregor with medals, Ashish M. Kamat who I never see in Texas, and Lauren Meehan Machos longtime industry friend!

Many moments and friends not captured. Thanks IDEOlogy Health!


Talha Shaikh

Thoughtful discussion today between Dr. Jahan Aghalar and Dr. Jeff Vacirca discussing the importance of Community Oncology.


Neeraj Agarwal

What is next after Pluvicto in prostate cancer treatment, at the WorldGU24. The difference between small molecule vs antibody carriers of Lutetium-177, between alpha vs beta radiation and novel RLTs. Comprehensive talk by Praful Ravi.


For more details on GUWorld24, click here.