15 Posts Not To Miss From BTOG 2025
The 23rd Annual British Thoracic Oncology Group (BTOG) Conference took place from March 3-5 in Belfast, Ireland.
As BTOG’s flagship event, the conference brought together national and international experts to discuss the latest advancements in the management of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies. It provided an excellent platform for networking and knowledge-sharing among the multidisciplinary thoracic oncology community.
Our team at OncoDaily has also curated key highlights from the conference that you won’t want to miss.
“Delighted to chair the Stage 2/3 NSCLC session alongside the brilliant Dr. Riyaz Shah at BTOG25 in Belfast.
3 superb presentations from Prof. Peters Solange, Prof. Jean Yannis Perentes, and Dr. Houda Bahig.
Great discussion afterward.
My key takeaways:
- Uncertainty regarding the benefit of peri-operative vs pre-op ChemoIO,
- EORTC – European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer guidelines give us a steer on the definition of surgical resectability but controversy persists,
- Radiotherapy and CRT being used following neo-adjuvant ChemoIO if patients are no longer operable,
- The role of PORT needs re-examining in those with higher-risk disease.”
“I’m grateful to the British Thoracic Oncology Group (BTOG) for the invitation to speak at BTOG25 – it’s one of my favorite meetings. Strong science and discussion with a very multidisciplinary audience and a warm, welcoming community. Really done right. Congratulations to Sanjay Popat and the whole BTOG team for a truly special meeting in Belfast!”
“Grateful to have attended BTOG 2025, which highlighted the remarkable advancements in lung cancer care and research within the UK.
It’s inspiring to see how collaboration and innovation are setting new national benchmarks for patient care and outcomes.”
“Zoe Merchant presenting at BTOG25.
Improving Outcome session with the impressive Prehab4Cancer and Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance findings for who, when, where, how, and why to deliver prehab and rehab across all lung cancer pathways.”
“Such amazing BTOG’S Advocates Meeting at BTOG25.
Special thanks to Lung Cancer Europe’s president Anne-Marie Baird, Clive Peedell and Gerard Walls for such meaningful and patient-centered discussions.”
“UKALK+’s Debra Montague discusses patient voice in genomics.
Superb presentation highlights advocacy, drives outcomes, unique insights, innovation, ethnic equity, and prioritization. Lack of information during the testing phase.
‘Stand in the shoes of your patient.’”
“Very impressed with the humor and modesty, from our Canadian Rad Onc colleagues, in the discussion on what really is the optimum local therapy – surgery or radiotherapy and the challenges of salvage when patients can’t have surgery or have a local regional recurrence.”
“Masterclass from Solange Peters, discussing IO in stage 2-3 NSCLC. Confirms benefit in stage 2, PDL1 negatives, and N2. ctDNA+ post-operation helps with escalation.
Most important debate is how long? 671 and 826 both have OS benefit. 816vs77T suggests benefit for post-operative immunotherapy.”
“Dr. Houda Bahig at BTOG 25, discussing the role of radiation in the era of perioperative immunotherapy for NSCLC. The trend is to push boundaries of respectability.
Note that RCTs haven’t identified what local therapy is superior – should we assume surgery superior?
Needs more study!”
“Professor Jarushka Naidoo welcomed to the BTOG25 stage as a Lung Cancer Legend by Dr. Gerard Walls didn’t disappoint.
Lots of discussion on how we turn discussions on Small Cell Lung Cancer on its head. Lots of optimism in SCLC coming from new standards and future treatments.”
“Brilliant to hear the results of ADSCAN from Prof. Matthew Hatton at BTOG 2025.
More tantalizing evidence that dose escalation might yet have a role…
Maybe we need to resolve the emerging questions about cardiotoxicity, functional lung sparing, lymphopenia, and IO sequencing before the next trial?”
“Great to be at BTOG25!
Congrats Dr. Sanjay Popat on an exceptional 13 years as BTOG president.
Thanks to the conference chairs for selecting David O Reilly’s PLAN trial on liquid biopsy for oral presentation, and as first place prize.”
“Great session at BTOG25 looking at reducing variation in care in the UK and how to optimize delivery in a fair manner.
Chaired by Drs. Cecilia Pompili and Tom Newsom-Davis with David Baldwin and Robert Rintoul.
How do we protect more vulnerable populations and avoid inequality?”
“Getting the right diagnosis and staging for lung cancer often begins with the staging EBUS (bronchoscopy).
Excellent talk from Helen Liddicoat at BTOG25 on how getting this right is all about the right treatments. That’s key for patients.”
“Historic moment at BTOG25 at last evening’s dinner where Professor Sanjay Popat finished his 13-year tenure as BTOG Chair and heralded the great progress. The reigns (and clapper) have now been handed to Dr. Tom Newsom-Davis.
Patient advocates are grateful for the progress and keen for more.”
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