Highlights from WCLC24 by Stephen V Liu
The WCLC24 is taking place at the San Diego Convention Center from September 7 to 10, 2024.
Organized by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), this major conference is gathering leading experts, researchers, and oncologists to present and discuss the latest advancements in lung cancer research, treatment, and personalized therapies, fostering collaborative efforts towards overcoming the challenges of lung cancer.
Such a special meeting for IASLC50
Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to the WCLC24 chairs for curating such a special meeting for IASLC50 – Drs. Sandip Patel, Linda Martin, Fabio Moraes and the inimitable Narjust Florez.
Congratulations to Dr. Julie Brahmer
Congratulations to Dr. Julie Brahmer – this year’s Paul A. Bunn Jr. Scientific Award winner for lifetime achievement and we’re ready to celebrate at WCLC24!
Karen Kelly delivers focus and enthusiasm
As always, IASLC CEO Dr. Karen Kelly delivers focus and enthusiasm for the coming years.
Julie Brahmer receives this years IASLC Paul A. Bunn Jr. Scientific Award
Dr. Julie Brahmer receives this years IASLC Paul A. Bunn Jr. Scientific Award for lifetime achievement! What a great way to start WCLC24 IASLC50!
Amazing discussion from Dr. Robert Winn
Amazing discussion from Dr. Robert Winn at WCLC24 touching on disparities and urging us to refocus, reconnect, and keep community at the center.
Dr. Se-Hoon Lee presents comparison between lazertinib and osimertinib in MARIPOSA
Dr. Se-Hoon Lee presents comparison between lazertinib and osimertinib in MARIPOSA (first-line EGFR NSCLC) at WCLC24. Not the primary analysis, which compared amivantamab + lazertinib vs osimertinib) but important for contribution of components.
Similar outcomes with osimertinib and lazertinib
Really similar outcomes with osimertinib and lazertinib, including RR, PFS, and OS. Reassuring to know that benefit in MARIPOSA is from addition of amivantamab.
There are some differences in safety profile – lazertinib had lower rates of diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, QT prolongation but higher rates of muscle spasms, paresthesias and rash. Could be good to have different options though based on individual patients.
Marina Garassino with a discussion of the EGFR
Dr. Marina Garassino with a masterful discussion of the EGFR oral abstracts at WCLC24 – and right after her amazing Presidential Plenary! If we see OS benefit with MARIPOSA and FLAURA2, how will we choose for a given patient?
SHR-A1921 (TROP2 ADC) in SCLC at WCLC24. RR 33%, mPFS 3.8m, mDOR 4.4m. Adverse events include stomatitis, nausea.
ARTEMIS-001 results at WCLC24. HS-20093 (B7-H3 ADC) in SCLC with impressive efficacy. RR 50-61% and DCR 81-96% across two doses. DOR 6.4-8.9m. AES mostly hematologic. 8mg/kg dose seems more favorable. No link with B7H3 expression and efficacy. Phase 3 studies ongoing.
Discussion on relapsed SCLC by Dr. Anjali Rohatgi
Very nice discussion on relapsed SCLC by Dr. Anjali Rohatgi at WCLC24. ADCs showing promise and easier to deliver than a BiTE like tarlatamab. No clear biomarker but encouraging efficacy. But we need randomized data to provide clear perspective.
Daily Lung Cancer Considered podcast highlights from WCLC24
Watch for our daily Lung Cancer Considered podcast highlights from WCLC24. Major updates in the field discussed with our guests: Drs. Caicun Zhou, Tina Cascone, Marina Garassino and Mattew Smeltzer.
IASLC podcast Lung Cancer Considered
Great to see so many different language episodes of the IASLC podcast Lung Cancer Considered being recorded live from WCLC24 like this one in Mandarin Chinese with Sr. Chunxia Su! Stay tuned for release!
WCLC24 gives us space to celebrate not only the science but also the community for IASLC50 – so great to see everyone!
Stephen V. Liu is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University, where he holds the positions of Director of Thoracic Oncology and Head of Developmental Therapeutics at the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. As a board-certified medical oncologist specializing in lung cancer and drug development, Dr. Liu is known for his expertise in advanced thoracic malignancies. His research focuses on novel therapeutic agents and innovative combinations to improve treatment outcomes for patients with lung cancer. Dr. Liu has received multiple teaching awards and actively engages in post-graduate education initiatives. Furthermore, he co-hosts the official podcast of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), “Lung Cancer Considered”.
For more updates on WCLC24, visit oncodaily.com
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