Iván R. González: ICIs in early-stage NSCLC showing promising results
Jun 28, 2024, 14:52

Iván R. González: ICIs in early-stage NSCLC showing promising results

Iván R. González, Medical Oncologist at Comprehensive Oncology Center, Hospital Ángeles Puebla, shared a post on X:

“The inhibition of immune checkpoint points in early-stage NSCLC treatment is showing promising results:

  1. Immunotherapy combined with neoadjuvant chemotherapy significantly improves surgical outcomes and long-term survival.
  2. The combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors and platinum-based chemotherapy is preferred over chemotherapy alone due to lower risk of surgical omission.
  3. Despite advances, the 5-year survival rate remains suboptimal, with many patients experiencing relapse and death from metastatic progression.
  4. Numerous questions persist regarding the optimal strategy, underscoring the need for further research.
  5. Case-by-case discussions in multidisciplinary boards are crucial for addressing challenges and optimizing treatment strategies.

In conclusion immune checkpoint inhibition is transforming early-stage lung cancer treatment, enhancing outcomes and survival. While promising, additional research is needed to address remaining challenges and optimize clinical application.”

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Source: Iván R. González/X