ASCO24 Updates – Dr. Fuming Qiu on NewScore Trial: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Biomarker Insights
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting is one of the largest and most prestigious conferences in the field of oncology. This year, the meeting took place from May 31 to June 4 in Chicago, Illinois. The event gathers oncologists, researchers, and healthcare professionals from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in cancer research, treatment, and patient care. Keynote sessions, research presentations, and panel discussions are typically part of the agenda, providing attendees with valuable insights into emerging trends and innovations in oncology.
This year, OncoDaily was at ASCO 2024 for the first time covering the meeting on-site. We had the pleasure of interviewing researchers who summarized the highlights of their work.
In this video, Dr. Fuming Qiu from Zhejiang University shares insights on ‘Final survival outcomes and exploratory biomarker analysis from the randomized, phase 2 neoSCORE trial: Two versus three cycles of neoadjuvant sintilimab plus chemotherapy for resectable non-small cell lung cancer.’
Hello, I’m Fuming Qiu from the Department of Medical Oncology. Secondly, I created the hospital from Zhejiang University. Thank you for having me.
And today I will share my abstract from the ASCO 2024. My abstract is about the final result of survival outcome and biomarkers analysis from our randomized clinical trial, NewScore. As you know, NewScore is a randomized clinical trial compare the two-cycle new adjuvant chemotherapy with the three-cycle new adjuvant to see if the optimal chemotherapy cycle for the new adjuvant is concerning.
And in this study, we find that the three-cycle new adjuvant chemotherapy is a numerical better major pathological response than two-cycle. And we’ve also find this year, we also find the two-cycle, we also find in this final analysis, we find the two-cycle and the three-cycle have no difference in DFS and OS. Yet, we find that the major NPR has a better in DFS and OS.
And also, we use the samples from the surgical and the mass cytometry. And I find that one subgroup of T cell names CD38 positive, CD103 negative, CD8 positive T cell has accumulated in the NPR population. And this population has a better DFS and OS.
So this could be a new subgroup of T cell response to the adjuvant chemotherapy. And then maybe the first infection and the mechanism of this subset set has been under research. Thank you for having me.
More videos and content from ASCO 2024 on OncoDaily.
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