Toufic Kachaamy: Shaping the future of GI oncology through collaboration
Toufic Kachaamy, Chief of Medicine and Medical Director of Gastroenterology at City of Hope, Phoenix, posted the following on LinkedIn:
“Reflecting on an inspiring time at GIASCO!
As a gastroenterologist dedicated to advancing the field of endoscopic oncology, I look forward to attending GIASCO every year. It’s more than just a conference; it’s an invaluable opportunity to interact with colleagues, share insights, and stay at the forefront of innovation in our rapidly evolving field.
This year, a standout theme was how esophageal cancer management is being informed by advancements in rectal cancer management. This cross-pollination of ideas exemplifies a powerful truth: innovation often happens when we step outside of our lanes. It is badly needed to win the fight against cancer.
At our own courses in Las Vegas this year, we embrace this mindset and take it to the next level by bringing together a diverse, multidisciplinary set of experts to foster collaboration and learn from other specialties. It’s this intersection of disciplines that drives the progress we need to build the future of endoscopic oncology.
Let’s continue to push boundaries, challenge norms, and learn from one another. Together, we can shape the future of GI oncology.”
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