February, 2025
February 2025
Kamal Menghrajani: Honored to give a plenary session talk at the ASTCT / CIBMTR Tandem Meeting
Feb 19, 2025, 10:01

Kamal Menghrajani: Honored to give a plenary session talk at the ASTCT / CIBMTR Tandem Meeting

Kamal Menghrajani, Assistant Director for Cancer Innovation and Public Health, White House, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Such an honor to give a plenary session talk at the ASTCT / CIBMTR (Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research) tandem meetings last week!

Thanks so much to ASTCT President Corey Cutler for his forward-thinking leadership in putting together a panel focused on The Economics of Cell and Gene Therapies. It was wonderful to hear from David Rind about ICER and its work, to learn about stop-loss and other insurance strategies from Robby Kerr, and, of course, I will take any opportunity to listen to what the brilliant Stephanie Farnia has to say!

I was so proud to highlight the work of CMMI and the Division of Drug Innovation, including Ellen Lukens, Aurelia Chaudhury, Melissa Majerol, Corinne Alberts, Jason Petroski, Laura McWright, Liz F., and many others who contributed to the development of the Cell and Gene Therapy Access Model. There was so much buzz about the model and its potential, the partnership that Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Bluebird Bio have shown, and real excitement about seeing how states will deploy the model in the coming months.

I was so glad to continue this conversation after the White House CGT. We must find sustainable ways to connect these cutting-edge therapies to the people who need them – to maximize the impact that the basic and clinical science behind these treatments can have for all members of our society.”

Kamal Menghrajani