Elizabeth Ugwoma Awo-Ejeh: Breaking the Silence – How Vulnerability Inspires Hope
Elizabeth Ugwoma Awo-Ejeh, Manager at Ugwoma Beauty Salon and Spa, shared a post on LinkedIn:
“Breaking the Silence: How Vulnerability Inspires Hope
In Africa, it’s common for people to relate almost every challenge to witchcraft. If you’re delayed in childbirth, in getting a job, or basically anything, the belief is always that someone is “doing you.”
Yes, life is spiritual, I agree, but there are also practical things we often overlook – like prioritizing our health or doing the work we’re supposed to do.
When I finally opened up about my journey on December 31, 2022, I got a lot of feedback – both good and bad.
The negative ones almost made me regret sharing my story. People flooded my DMs and calls with advice, begging me to take down my post.
They said if I didn’t, the devil, or whoever they thought was “doing me,” would use the information to attack me even more. For a while, I was genuinely scared and confused.
I questioned myself. Did I make a mistake by being open? Should I have just kept quiet? But then, something happened that gave me clarity.
I received a message in my DM from a lady who said,
“Lizzy, thank you so much for staying strong. A friend of yours on Facebook shared your post, and I stumbled on it. It gave me so much courage and strength. I’ve just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and I felt like my life was over. But after reading your post, I’ve decided to start treatment.”
That message brought me to tears. To God be the glory, she completed her treatment last year! That one message was all the encouragement I needed to leave my post up. It reminded me why I decided to share in the first place: to make an impact and to give others the courage to fight.
Yes, the negative feedback hurt. The stigma was real. But I’ve come to understand that sharing my story isn’t just about me – it’s about those who are looking for hope. I’m a strong believer in God, and I know His plans for me are of good and not evil.
This weekend, I had the privilege of being featured in Pointer Woman, where I shared my story with a wider audience.
I’ve learned that vulnerability isn’t a weakness—it’s a powerful tool.
My story is a means to inspire and support others, and if it gives even one person the courage to keep going, then it’s all worth it.
To anyone facing challenges, remember this: This too shall pass.”
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