Bernard A. Fox: Omid Hamid on best treatment options for patients with melanoma and other solid cancers
Bernard A. Fox, Co-Founder, President, and CEO of UbiVac, shared a post on LinkedIn:
“Always enlightening to have Prof. Omid Hamid, The Cancer Immunotherapy Guru from the Angels Clinical Research Institute & Cedars-Sinai share his perspectives on best treatment options for patients with melanoma and other solid cancers. Got to hear him speak Thursday night at a Regeneron sponsored event and then Friday the Earle A. Chiles Research Institute at Providence Cancer Institute hosted him as a Chiles Visiting Professor.
Lots of discussion and agreement on what the field needs to do to identify what’s missing for the patients where current treatments fail. Also touched on the difficult time for promising therapies after the failure of multiple trials of novel checkpoints + anti-PD-1/L1. My opinion, those trials continued to take the foot off the brake without ever turning the car on. But that’s a topic for SITC24
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) and the Bridge24.
A FINAL POINT COVERED: Given the failure of multiple trials – noted above – A new challenge for the development of cancer immunotherapy is the move by Venture Capital away from Mission Based investment to Exit Based. Summarized by Dr. Greg Simon, former head of Biden Cancer Initiative at a MedInvest Conferences in Sept (see my post). This poses major challenges at a time when the science is providing critical insights into Primary Resistance & Secondary Resistance to immunotherapy and opportunities to overcome these hurdles and improve survival and potential cures.
Some approaches to fund these strategies were covered in early Oct. at Think Tank 24 (covered in my early Oct post). SITC also recognizes this and has initiated effort to accelerate approval of 100 novel Immunotherapy agents in the next decade In his talk from last month, Dr Greg Simon also noted the important role mission-driven Family Offices will play in this period of Exit-based investment. I hope they are listening!”
Bernard A. Fox is the Co-Founder, President, and CEO of UbiVac. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, at the Knight Cancer Institute. He is also a Member of Board of Directors at Oregon Bioscience Association.In 2012, Dr. Fox received the Harder Family Endowed Chair for Cancer Research in recognition of his efforts in translational cancer therapy.
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