Mark Lewis: This week, though, enough time elapsed in a durable remission that I actually got to tell a patient they were cured!
Sep 11, 2023, 18:23

Mark Lewis: This week, though, enough time elapsed in a durable remission that I actually got to tell a patient they were cured!

Quoting Mark Lewis on X/Twitter:

”Oncologists tend to be wary of the word “cure”; “remission” is the term we prefer when cancer is undetectable but could still recur. This week, though, enough time elapsed in a durable remission that I actually got to tell a patient they were cured! Hope springs eternal, indeed.”

Source: Mark Lewis/Twitter

Mark A. Lewis is the Director of Gastrointestinal Oncology at Intermountain Healthcare in Utah, the Co-Chair of adolescent & young adult (AYA) oncology in the SWOG cooperative group and the Vice President of American Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Support. Dr. Lewis is also a well-known patient advocate and social media influencer.