Yüksel Ürün: Proud mentor moment
Jun 27, 2024, 02:31

Yüksel Ürün: Proud mentor moment

Yüksel Ürün shared a post on X:

“Proud mentor moment! Congratulations Emre for the speech on ‘Molecular subtype in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma (UTUC): Can we shape therapy with ctDNA analysis on UTUC?’
Unfortunately, I wasn’t there, but I’m sure it was excellent.
Thank you so much dear Gianluca Giannarini for the photo!”

Yüksel Ürün

Source: Yüksel Ürün/X

Yüksel Ürün is a Medical Oncology professor at Ankara University School of Medicine in Turkey. His research focuses on genitourinary cancers, covering epidemiology, diagnosis, biomarkers, meta-analysis, and treatment outcomes. His dedication to patient care and research inspires positive change in the medical field.