Every year, 80-100 cases of pediatric cancer are registered in Armenia. – The Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia
Sep 4, 2023, 16:33

Every year, 80-100 cases of pediatric cancer are registered in Armenia. – The Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia

The Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia shared on LinkedIn:

“September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month.

The Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia, among other organizations, continues to take care of children affected by pediatric cancer

  • by doing research and treating the disease,
  • by raising awareness.

Every year, 80-100 cases of pediatric cancer are registered in Armenia. – Data from the World Health Organization tells us that 80% of children with cancer in high-income countries are cured. In Armenia, the indicator is reaching 70-75%. /

In the picture, Naira Martirosyan, a pediatric hematologist, is with Inga, a patient.”

Source: The Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia/LinkedIn