David Fajgenbaum: How do you keep going when you’re on the brink of death?
May 17, 2024, 13:34

David Fajgenbaum: How do you keep going when you’re on the brink of death?

David Fajgenbaum, Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, shared on X:

“How do you keep going when you’re on the brink of death?

One of the crucial lessons I learned while fighting for my life was taking things one day at a time, or in my case it ended up being one breath at a time because I was in so much pain.

Whether you are fighting a rare disease, getting a divorce, being let go from your job, or any other low point you are going through, remember to take things day by day because things will get better!”

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Source: David Fajgenbaum/X