October, 2024
October 2024
Notice of Special Interest seeks to support research that leverages opportunities afforded by global collaboration – NCI Center for Global Health
Apr 22, 2024, 15:51

Notice of Special Interest seeks to support research that leverages opportunities afforded by global collaboration – NCI Center for Global Health

NCI Center for Global Health shared a post on LinkedIn:

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): The NCI Center for Global Health (CGH) seeks to support research that leverages opportunities afforded by global collaboration. CGH is interested in impactful studies aimed at fostering collaborations between researchers within and across CGH-led or co-led networks.

Applicants are encouraged to consider how global collaborations may enhance diversity within programs by introducing new investigators, ideas, and viewpoints. Learn more and apply.

Due Date: May 22, 2024.”

Source: NCI Center for Global Health/LinkedIn

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OncoDaily was founded in 2023. It is a US-based oncology media platform, which features the latest news, insights, and patient stories from the world of oncology. Within a short period of time it became one of the leading oncology media platforms globally.

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The mission of OncoDaily is to empower patients, survivors, and professionals with the knowledge and inspiration they need to fight cancer. The motto of OncoDaily is “Cancer doesn’t take a day off – neither do we”.