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Julia Ballavenuto: One more to the feud of GPT versus Physicians
Apr 21, 2024, 17:11

Julia Ballavenuto: One more to the feud of GPT versus Physicians

Julia Ballavenuto, Information Technology and Health Data Consultant at AiDig IT, shared on LinkedIn:

“One more to the feud of GPT versus Physicians:

A recent study from NEJM AI conducted a systematic comparison between a large language model (LLM) and physicians on official medical board residency examinations. As for study limitations, the study excluded image-based questions (limiting the comparison’s comprehensiveness) and potential biases arising from translation from Hebrew to English. However, the results are fascinating.

Key Results:
1. GPT-4 demonstrated performance comparable to or exceeding that of physicians in several specialities, notably psychiatry.
2. GPT-4 performed similarly to the median physician in general surgery and internal medicine.
3. In contrast, GPT-3.5 consistently performed below physicians in all specialities except psychiatry.
4. GPT-4 achieved passing rate levels in four of five medical domains, while GPT-3.5 consistently fell short of the passing score across all disciplines.

Now, here’s the intriguing part! Why do you think GPT-4 showed higher performance in psychiatry compared to other specialities?

Read the full article here.

Drop your thoughts in the comments below! Let’s spark a discussion and explore the potential implications of this study.”

Source: Julia Ballavenuto/LinkedIn