March, 2025
March 2025
Yin Ling Woo: I’ve participated in quite a few colposcopy courses this one was one of the best
Mar 4, 2024, 17:21

Yin Ling Woo: I’ve participated in quite a few colposcopy courses this one was one of the best

Yin Ling Woo, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at University of Malaya, shared on LinkedIn:

“I’ve participated in quite a few colposcopy courses over the years but this one was one of the best! Why? There was active participation by all and the coming together of multiple Malaysian stake holders involved with cervical screening. We had meaningful engagement from policy makers (ministry of health), not for profit organizations, family medicine specialists, nurses and matrons, O and G trainees and specialists and our colleagues from Ministry of Defence! We openly shared our different challenges and perspectives – I learnt a lot. It was a practical workshop on recent evidence, communication, debunking of myths and basic colposcopic principles.
Thank you Kenneth Lim from Cardiff (fondly known as Mr. Ken) for being part of the teaching faculty.
This was only possible with the hard working team from the Department of Oand G,UMMC and support from ROSE FOUNDATION, College of Obstetrician Gynaecologist, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia and some of our educational sponsors.
Looking forward to more such opportunities!!”

Yin Ling Woo: I've participated in quite a few colposcopy courses this one was one of the best

Source: Yin Ling Woo/LinkedIn