February, 2025
February 2025
OncoDaily welcomes CancerWorld to its family: Honoring a Legacy, Building a Future Together
Jan 22, 2025, 12:28

OncoDaily welcomes CancerWorld to its family: Honoring a Legacy, Building a Future Together

OncoDaily is happy and honored to welcome CancerWorld, one of the oldest and most reputable cancer magazines in Europe, to the OncoDaily family.

Yesterday in Milan we had a beautiful ceremony, where CancerWorld was transferred to the OncoDaily ownership.

I want to thank two giants of cancer world, wonderful physician-scientists and outstanding humans Prof. Matti Aapro and Prof. Alberto Costa, Presidents of SPCC (Sharing Progress in Cancer Care) and European School of Oncology, respectively, for their huge support and for building this wonderful magazine.

Also want to thank their great teams for making this transition smooth and for being so supportive – Pietro Presti, Daniela Mengato, Corinne Hall, Rossella Blasi.

My great appreciation to the whole CancerWorld team, who ever contributed and moved it forward – the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Adriana Albini, Associate Editor Anna Wagstaff, everyone.

This is a big honor for OncoDaily team and we will make sure that together we will continue making great things!

Although CancerWorld will be fully owned and managed by OncoDaily, but it will keep its close ties with both ESO and SPCC.

Stay tuned for greater news.”

Gevorg Tamamyan, Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of OncoDaily.