February, 2025
February 2025
Ana Sofia Carvalho Pais Silva: Our team from the AMC has participated in the All.Can International Strategic Workshop
Nov 18, 2023, 17:34

Ana Sofia Carvalho Pais Silva: Our team from the AMC has participated in the All.Can International Strategic Workshop

Ana Sofia Carvalho Pais Silva, Researcher Phd Candidate at the Amsterdam UMC, recently shared on LinkedIn:

“As part of the collaboration between All.Can International and the Amsterdam UMC, our team from the AMC (Niek Klazinga, Dionne Sofia Kringos – Pereira Martins, Óscar Brito Fernandes, Damir Ivanković, Erica Barbazza, and myself) has participated in the All.Can International Strategic Workshop and “The path towards efficient cancer care: Global challenges, local solutions” Roundtable, this week in Brussels. Thank you, Eduardo Pisani and Mădălina Iamandei, for the kind invitation.

It was a great pleasure to present and discuss the preliminary findings of our ongoing collaborative project focused on the implementation of the All.Can Cancer Efficiency Metrics with the All.Can community and partners!

Thank you to this global multi-stakeholder community, in particular to the interviewees from National Initiatives, who have kindly contributed with their time and knowledge to this project.

We are grateful for the input and insightful discussions focused on building an actionable and useful tool for stakeholders to improve the efficiency of cancer care and look forward to continuing this collaboration, which ultimately aims to benefit cancer patients’ experiences and outcomes.

Pictures by Octavian Carare.”

Ana Sofia Carvalho Pais Silva: Our team from the AMC has participated in the All.Can International Strategic Workshop

Source: Ana Sofia Carvalho Pais Silva/LinkedIn