Xiuning Le: Successful EGFR Resisters Research Summit
Dec 16, 2024, 19:00

Xiuning Le: Successful EGFR Resisters Research Summit

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EGFR Resisters for the successful EGFR Resisters Research Summit.

I am very proud that two of my mentees presented their work, fantastic job!

Dr. Kelsey Pan on LMD in EGFR patients and Dr. Ximeng Liu on compound EGFR PACC mutations!

Great to see brilliant minds with new energy going to this field!”

Xiuning Le: Successful EGFR Resisters Research Summit

Xiuning Le: Successful EGFR Resisters Research Summit

Xiuning Le, MD, serves as the Deputy Section Chief of Thoracic Medical Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center, where she oversees clinical research, including strategic planning and the operation of clinical trials within the department. She is also an Associate Professor and a leading translational researcher, specializing in resistance mechanisms, cancer genetics and genomics, biomarkers, and radiomics.