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October 2024
Ashley Magargee: My 20th anniversary at Genentech
Oct 8, 2024, 15:11

Ashley Magargee: My 20th anniversary at Genentech

Ashley Magargee shared on LinkedIn:

“Last month officially marked my 20th anniversary at Genentech! I can still remember the sights and sounds when I stepped onto campus that first day – the smell of donuts wafting through the air (courtesy of our next-door neighbor, Rich’s Donut factory), the brilliant people walking around campus in their T-shirts and tennis shoes, and the immediate observation that even the hallway chatter always seemed to put patients at the center. Thinking back to the nervous excitement I felt on that first day, I could never have imagined where this journey would lead me.

While the work we do here constantly inspires me, it is the people behind that work that make every day so energizing and invigorating. We work hard, but we always make time for fun. Just ask anyone who has fallen for an April Fools’ prank, like the internal announcement of a new formal dress code or the opening of ‘Genentech Brewery and Beer.’

Nearly 50 years after our founding, we still find time for connection through our Friday Ho-Ho events, a social tradition started by our founders, and we continue to give back to our local communities through programs like Genentech Gives Back Week and our Futurelab STEM education initiative.

Each day, I am humbled and honored to have been given the opportunity to lead this team of talented innovators as we work to bring transformative medicines to patients and provide equitable care to all. As I reflect back on those first days, I am reminded of how far we have come, how special our culture and impact has been, and how much work still remains to be done. I cherish every memory from the last 20 years, and I look forward to making many more.”

Ashley Magargee

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Ashley Magargee is the Chief Executive Officer of Genentech. Since joining the company in 2004, she has held leadership roles at both Roche and Genentech, focusing on lifecycle management, enhancing digital customer interactions, and improving market access. She also served as the General Manager for Genentech in Singapore. Most recently, she was the Head of Commercial Portfolio at Genentech.