October, 2024
October 2024
Carmen Uscatu: A multidisciplinary approach to childhood cancer in Romania
Oct 4, 2024, 16:24

Carmen Uscatu: A multidisciplinary approach to childhood cancer in Romania

Carmen Uscatu, Founding Member and President at Give Life (Dăruiește Viață) NGO, shared a post on LinkedIn:

”On October 3, 2018, I wrote in the Hospital Journal: ‘I promise that this HOSPITAL will always be supported by people who matter in their profession, model people, people who will bring their experience and teach us how to give chances at life to children who fall ill and are treated in Romania.’

Six years later? Yes! That’s exactly what we’re doing. These days, Dr. Marc Bierings, head of the transplant department at Prinses Máxima Centrum voor kinderoncologie visited us to continue developing the medical teams at Marie Curie for a multidisciplinary approach to childhood cancer in Romania, at the only hospital with the necessary infrastructure for such an approach.

We made plans for the short term (March 2025) and the medium term (October 2026). Is it easy? No, it isn’t. But with people who have built in their country what we want to build here, for children, for parents, and for medical staff, it’s not impossible.

With: Ruxandra Vidlescu, Ramona Cirt, Mihaela Smarandoiu, Madalina Schmidt, Renske Karens, Raluca Chifu, Oana Gheorghiu, Daruieste Viata.

Photo: Banu Stefan.”

Carmen Uscatu

Source: Carmen Uscatu/LinkedIn