Vincent Rajkumar: Lenalidomide 1 pill: $10 in Canada / $800 in USA
Oct 17, 2023, 18:11

Vincent Rajkumar: Lenalidomide 1 pill: $10 in Canada / $800 in USA

Vincent Rajkumar, Editor-in-Chief at Blood Cancer Journal, recently shared a post by Russell Sterrett on X/Twitter, adding:

“Lenalidomide 1 pill: $10 in Canada / $800 in USA.

No. The lenalidomide in the US does not come with gold coating, or in a diamond-studded box.”

Quoting Russell Sterrett’s post:

“The day we got generic lenalidomide at $10/day was a total game changer for me.”

Sources: Vincent Rajkumar/Twitter and Russell Sterrett/Twitter