Olubukola Ayodele: Every breast cancer journey is unique, and seeking advice from an oncologist is vital in navigating a diagnosis
Olubukola Ayodele posted on LinkedIn:
“I recently read about Elle Macpherson and her journey with breast cancer. As a breast cancer specialist, I had some thoughts I wanted to share after reading the article.
The article mentions Elle’s diagnosis of ‘HER2 positive Oestrogen receptive intraductal carcinoma,’ but as a specialist, I believe there might be some misunderstanding because that specific type of breast cancer does not exist. Breast cancer subtypes are determined by receptors found on the cancer cells, and treatment plans are tailored based on these subtypes, the grade of the cancer, and the stage at diagnosis. Typically, treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapies and more.
Considering the details shared in the article, it seems possible that she may have had estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treated with lumpectomy. Surgery is the mainstay of breast cancer treatment, and additional therapies are often recommended to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
Advancements in gene profiling assays have shown that some women, particularly those post-menopausal with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer, may not benefit from chemotherapy.
The field of oncology is constantly evolving, and the management of cancer is continuously advancing and treatment recommended in the past might no longer be relevant.
Each person’s response to treatment can be influenced by individual genetics, which is why the same treatment can yield different outcomes in individuals with seemingly similar types and stages of cancer.
It’s important to remember that every breast cancer journey is unique, and seeking advice from an oncologist is vital in navigating a diagnosis.
Finally, while it can be challenging for healthcare professionals, it’s crucial to honor patients’ wishes and recognize their autonomy in decision-making once they have been fully informed of their options.”
Source: Olubukola Ayodele/LinkedIn
More posts by Olubukola Ayodele on oncodaily.com
Dr. Olubukola Ayodele is a Consultant Medical Oncologist at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, specializing in breast and genitourinary malignancies, including germ cell tumors. She is also an honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Leicester and heads the Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Unit at the Leicester Cancer Research Centre. Dr. Ayodele’s work includes numerous publications, clinical trials, and collaborative research projects on molecular drivers and biomarkers in breast cancer. She is a member of ASCO, ESMO, ACP and UKBCG.
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