Jim Omel: I’ve sat on both sides of the exam table and would avoid marginally effective treatments
Jul 31, 2024, 06:54

Jim Omel: I’ve sat on both sides of the exam table and would avoid marginally effective treatments

Jim Omel, Patient Advocate, shared on X:

Patients’ considerations of time toxicity when assessing cancer treatments with marginal benefit.

I’ve sat on both sides of the exam table as MD, and as cancer patient. I HATE spending time in offices and Prescription centers, and would avoid marginally effective treatments.”

Jim Omel

Patients’ considerations of time toxicity when assessing cancer treatments with marginal benefit 

Autors: Arjun Gupta, Michael D Brundage, Jacqueline Galica, Safiya Karim, Rachel Koven, Terry L Ng, Jennifer O’Donnell, Julia tenHove, Andrew Robinson, Christopher M Booth,

Jim Omel

Source: Jim Omel/X