Kevon Dindial: Today, we had a pop-up booth at the hospital to promote childhood cancer awareness since we go gold in September.
Sep 23, 2023, 11:02

Kevon Dindial: Today, we had a pop-up booth at the hospital to promote childhood cancer awareness since we go gold in September.

Kevon Dindial, Consultant Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist at Southern Medical Clinic, made the following post on LinkedIn:

“Today, we had a pop-up booth at the hospital to promote childhood cancer awareness since we go gold in September. This photo includes Chevaughn, the co-founder of the Just Because Foundation, JBF, which is one of the largest NGO in Trinidad and Tobago targetting specifically childhood cancer and my service at the hospital. Chevaughn and the JBF play an integral role in the management of my patients, particularly providing the vital non-medical support to the patients and families which is needed for the best overall survival. Also seen in this photo is the JBF bear that made all the kids smile today.”

Source: Kevon Dindial/LinkedIn