Ryan Haumschild: Members from our pharmacy leadership team came together for future initiatives
Jun 18, 2024, 03:43

Ryan Haumschild: Members from our pharmacy leadership team came together for future initiatives

Ryan Haumschild, Vice President of Ambulatory Pharmacy Services at Emory Healthcare, shared on LinkedIn:

“This past week, members from our pharmacy leadership team representing oncology, specialty pharmacy, infusion, retail, and clinics came together for a remarkable outing that was as much about bonding as it was about planning our future.

In our fast-paced world of healthcare, it’s crucial to take a step back, realign, and connect beyond our daily responsibilities. During our time together, we not only delved into future initiatives but also strengthened the bonds that make us a cohesive unit.

These moments of unity and shared vision are what drive us forward, ensuring we hit our targets with precision and purpose. From strategizing around our future goals to simply enjoying each other’s company, this experience reaffirmed our commitment to excellence and collaboration

Together, we are more than just colleagues – we are a team poised to navigate the challenges ahead with confidence and camaraderie.

Here’s to continuing our journey with a clear focus and a strong, united front!”

Source: Ryan Haumschild/LinkedIn