October, 2024
October 2024
Susanna F. Greer: Bladder cancer meets its match
Mar 9, 2024, 12:26

Susanna F. Greer: Bladder cancer meets its match

Susanna F. Greer, Chief Scientific Officer at the V Foundation for Cancer Research, published the following newsletter on LinkedIn:

“Bladder cancer is this focus of this week’s Cool Cancer Research Find with an incredible publication from the V Foundation grantee Dr. Pavlos Msaouel, MD, PhD and team out of MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Msaouel’s research focuses on a subset of bladder cancer patients whose tumors lack the gene SMARCB1. To better understand the impact of this study, think about our body as a highly organized city, and within it, the bladder as a crucial hub. Like any city, issues can arise, and a significant one is bladder cancer. Fortunately, our body has a defense mechanism: the superhero team known as SMARCB1.

In this publication, Dr. Msaouel demonstrates that SMARCB1 is like a captain of our superhero squad, responsible for maintaining order and preventing disruptions, especially when it comes to the bladder. The Msaouel lab uncovered that when SMARCB1 isn’t functioning correctly, it’s akin to a superhero team taking a break, allowing bladder cancer to grow unchecked and spread.

In the realm of molecular biology, SMARCB1 is involved in a process called chromatin remodeling. Think of chromatin as a set of instructions that guide how our cells function. SMARCB1, by being a part of this chromatin remodeling team, ensures that these instructions are followed correctly, playing a critical role in preventing the development and spread of cancer.

Dr. Msaouel went a step further and explored a potential solution – with a drug called TTI-101. In the molecular superhero world, TTI-101 acts as a power-up for the SMARCB1 team. It’s a specialized tool that helps to strengthen the superheros, allowing them to better regulate the chromatin instructions. This, in turn, reduces the harmful effects of bladder cancer and slows down its growth.

AND, in another a win for investing in early career researchers: TTI-101, our superhero, is a drug designed by ANOTHER the V Foundation grantee, Dr. David J. Tweardy MD also at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Cheers to scientific collaborations resulting in patient impact! TTI-101 inhibit pathways which, when overactive, contribute to the aggressive behavior of bladder cancer cells. So, TTI-101 is like a precision tool, targeting molecular mechanisms associated with cancer growth.

Why do I love this paper? With additional testing, TTI-101 could serve as a valuable therapeutic strategy, especially in cases where our superhero team, SMARCB1, needs extra support to counteract the disruptive effects of bladder cancer. It’s like providing a targeted solution to restore balance and protect our “city” from the harmful impacts of bladder cancer.

It’s friday night friends, welcome to the weekend! Start yours by reading Dr. Msaouel’s paper here: The IL6/JAK/STAT3 signaling axis is a therapeutic vulnerability in SMARCB1-deficient bladder cancer | Nature Communications and follow the Msaouel lab.
Happy reading!”

Source: Susanna F. Greer/LinkedIn