October, 2024
October 2024
Feb 20, 2024, 06:13

Douglas Flora: One more post to add to my food insecurity thoughts

Douglas Flora, Executive Medical Director, Oncology Services at 

“One more post to add to my food insecurity thoughts earlier today. Aligning with the goals of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), I wanted to share a letter penned alongside some of the most inspiring healthcare leaders across the country. The thoughts shared in the attached piece underscore the critical importance of addressing food insecurity to enhance the care and lives of those battling cancer.

The challenges faced by cancer patients extend far beyond the clinic, with food insecurity significantly impacting their journey and outcomes. It’s a stark reminder that our fight against cancer involves more than medical treatments; it’s about nurturing the whole person and ensuring they have access to the necessary resources, including nutrition, to face this battle head-on.

I am inspired daily by the dedication and innovative thinking of my co-signees. Their commitment to not just acknowledging these issues but actively seeking bold solutions motivates me to push harder and think bigger every day. Together, we are committed to improving the lives of the patients we serve, addressing both their medical and holistic needs. If you’re not already connected with these incredible leaders, I encourage you to follow their work. Their insights, initiatives, and dedication are helping push for important steps in our shared mission to support cancer patients in every aspect of their care.

Let’s continue to be bold in our solutions, working together to ensure no patient has to face the added burden of food insecurity on top of their cancer fight. The path ahead is challenging, but with collaboration and compassion, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.

Karen Knudsen MBA PhD, CEO and President American Cancer Society and ACS-CAN
Marc R. Watkins, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Kroger Health
Olalekan Ajayi, President, Association of Cancer Care Centers”

Source: Douglas Flora/LinkedIn