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11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Sep 12, 2023, 17:40

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.

The Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO 2023) took place at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas, from September 6 to 9. Our team at OncoDaily has collected 11 posts from SOHO 2023.

1. Naveen Pemmaraju, Leukemia Professor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center

3 generations of MD Anderson Cancer Center Hematology/Oncology co-fellows spanning decades! From our Twitter Guru Mike Thompson era to Naveen Pemmaraju/Naval Daver era to our current superstar MD, Dr. Hannah Goulart! Thank you Society of Hematologic Oncology for bringing us all together!

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Photo taken from Naveen Pemmaraju/Twitter

2. Blood Cancers Today

Pitfall… be aware of false positive PET at end of therapy for aggressive B cell lymphoma
These can be resolved with time. Doesn’t necessarily mean persistent disease.

The Emergence of Bispecific Antibodies in Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma

Dr. Kieron Dunleavy, MD

3. Melanie Castro-Mollo, Oncology/Hematology fellow and Chief Resident at the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases, Peru

Having lunch with Jorge Cortes talking of health care disparities, and now in the plenary sessional also showing how countries that participated in pivotal clinical trials have better clinical outcomes. Thanks for sharing with us your thoughts on these topics.

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.

Photo taken from Melanie Castro-Mollo / Twitter

4.Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO)

Look who we caught enjoying SOHO-topped cinnamon cappuccinos in the exhibit hall. Come get yours!

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Photos taken from the Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO)/Twitter

5. Fadi Haddad, Assistant Professor in the Leukemia Department at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston

CAR-T cells in ALL
-Good expansion even in patients with minimal or no MRD.
-Blina and InO are still effective after CAR-T failure.
-Clinical trials are evaluating CAR-T in the setting of MRD and as consolidation after induction immunotherapy.

6. Donna Short, from DShort Consulting

Presenting the Emil J Freireich award to Hagop Kantarjian and ⁦Sagar Lonial kicks off the afternoon Society of Hematologic Oncology ⁦plenary on all. Freireich never received his due credit. Invented blood separator machine. First cancer fellowship program in the world.

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Photo taken from Donna Short/Twitter

7. Sanam Loghavi, Associate Professor of Pathology at MD Anderson Cancer Center

To listen to Dr. Hagop Kantarjian speak about Dr. Frieriech and his contributions to medicine and leukemia therapy is mesmerizing… look at the two of them in the image in the middle! Legends!

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Photo taken from Sanam Loghavi/Twitter

8. Hem-Onc Fellows Network

CHIP may mean potato chip for foodies, something else for IT people, but for an oncologist, CHIP=Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential

Dr. Lachelle D. Weeks from Dana-Farber providing insights into this lesser-understood topic at SOHO23.

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Photo taken from Hem-Onc Fellows Network/Twitter

9. Karun Neupane, Internal Medicine Resident at Jacobi Medical Center and SOHO Ambassador

The most exciting debate of #SOHO2023 (or maybe I am just becoming a Myeloma guy)?

Sagar Lonial from Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University and Angela Dispenzieri from Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center throwing knockout punches on whether to treat or not to treat Smoldering Myeloma.
Making learning fun).

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.

Photos take from Karun Neupane / Twitter

10. Ajay Major, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Love this first slide for limited-stage MZL! Starting with gastric MALT, H.pylori treatment works! But resolution of MZL can take 6-12 mos and may periodically see histologic changes over time. I prefer RT for H.pylori-neg.

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Photo taken from Ajay Major/Twitter

11. Lucia Masarova, Assistant Professor at the Department of Leukemia, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Excellent SOHO2023 conference in Houston these past 3.5 days with tons of learning, fantastic speakers, engagements, exchange of ideas, and opportunities for young researchers!
Congrats to the organizers Society of Hematologic Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Hagop Kantarjian.

11 Tweets from SOHO23 not to miss.
Photo taken from Lucia Masarova/Twitter