September, 2024
September 2024
Meet Kayinfa Nicole E., Program Coordinator in Mozambique – The Max Foundation
Jun 30, 2024, 16:23

Meet Kayinfa Nicole E., Program Coordinator in Mozambique – The Max Foundation

J. Michael Wrigglesworth, Vice President of Programs Operations at The Max Foundation shared a post by The Max Foundation on LinkedIn, adding:

“Our dedicated and passionate team members across the world are the reason I have loved working for Max for over 20 years.

They are the reason our model works and the key to our success!

They are dedicated patient champions and I’m proud to support them. Thank you Kainfa for your dedication to patients and health equity!”

Quoting The Max Foundation’s post:

“Meet Kayinfa Nicole E., Program Coordinator in Mozambique since April 2022. A peek into the life of this dedicated regional colleague.

Describe a typical workday:

As I live a long way from the city, I leave the house at 6:30 AM, arrive at the [medical] institution around 8 AM. First, I check and answer emails.

Around 9 AM I go to oncology (breast cancer and GIST) to check the stock, take the forms, and log dispensing. Sometimes I meet a patient who is already in treatment and talk to them.

I go to the physician to find out if they have any concerns, then I go to hematology and do the same.

I return to genetics at 11 AM, download dispensing logs, and call patients who need to be re-approved to find out if they are still active and if not, why.

At noon I take a lunch break and at 2 PM return to work. Depending on the schedule, I do some training from 4-5 PM. I leave the city at 5.30 PM and arrive home at 7.30 PM.

What is a special memory you have with patients?

Meeting the son of one of the youngest patients with CML.

Before starting treatment, she had no hope for having a child, but after starting treatment, she became stronger and more hopeful about the future.

She has been sending photos since the birth of her son to me, who is now 3 years old.

What languages do you speak?

Portuguese and English

When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun?

I like to dance, sing, and play fun games with my family and friends.

Which superhero is your favorite and why?

My favorite superhero is a Wonder Woman because she’s beautiful and shows that women can take over the world.”

The Max Foundation

Additional information.
Source: J. Michael Wrigglesworth/LinkedIn and The Max Foundation/LinkedIn