Lei Deng: ASCO IMG CoP has several initiatives aiming to help IMG hem/onc aspirants
May 26, 2024, 10:06

Lei Deng: ASCO IMG CoP has several initiatives aiming to help IMG hem/onc aspirants

Lei Deng, Assistant Professor at University of Washington/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, shared the following post by IMG Oncologists on X, adding the following:

“The committee of Visa, Advocacy, and Mentorship at ASCO IMG CoP has several initiatives aiming to help IMG hem/onc aspirants, trainees, and graduates. Come and join session! We would like to hear your thoughts, suggestions and ideas!”

Quoting IMG Oncologists’ post:

“Save the date

  • May 31st, 4-6 PM CST
  • Room S103, McCormick Place

We are super excited to announce the 2nd annual meeting of the ASCO IMG Community of Practice this upcoming ASCO 24

Join our all-star speakers to discuss barriers & opportunities for IMGs in oncology!”

Lei Deng: ASCO IMG CoP has several initiatives aiming to help IMG hem/onc aspirants

Source: Lei Deng/X and IMG Oncologists/X