Guillermo Chantada: Paper on pediatric solid tumors by Paula Schaiquevich
Apr 30, 2024, 06:12

Guillermo Chantada: Paper on pediatric solid tumors by Paula Schaiquevich

Guillermo Chantada, SIOP President and Scientific Director of the Perez Scremini Foundation, shared a post by Paula Schaiquevich, Investigator Principal at  CONICET on LinkedIn, adding:

“Great job, Paula!

This paper shows how many good things are being done in our continent in the research of pediatric solid tumors.

Most of all, it shows that collaboration is not just possible, but the only way. We need less barriers for collaboration in pediatric cancers.”

Quoting Paula Schaiquevich’s post:

“Take a look at this article in which we describe exceptional science being carried out in Latin America.”

Guillermo Chantada

Additional information.
Source: Guillermo Chantada/LinkedIn and Paula Schaiquevich/LinkedIn