Advanced Oncology: Usually, diplomas are handed over during the graduation ceremony or being sent to the students’ place of residence
Mar 7, 2024, 01:03

Advanced Oncology: Usually, diplomas are handed over during the graduation ceremony or being sent to the students’ place of residence

Advanced Oncology made the following post on Instagram:

“Usually, diplomas are handed over during the graduation ceremony of the last attendance seminar in July by the Dean and a representative of the Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Since time is tight for working and writing the Master’s thesis, students also use to possibility to hand it in later during the last term or even prolong their studies.
In these cases, theses and diplomas are being sent to the students’ place of residence.

Unless, like in this case, the student opted for a clinical observership at University Hospital Of Ulm of Ulm University.

Dr. Imad Hakim came to the office in person, and picked up both his thesis and his diploma. Congratulations on the successful graduation, dear Imad!

All diploma handling is being done by Bettina Wabitsch, and everyone involved is grateful to her because she does everything. Every thing. Thank you for all your work, dear Bettina!”

Source: Advanced Oncology/Instagram