Amol Akhade: How price per pill of lenalidomide kept on rising in USA
Mar 3, 2024, 06:41

Amol Akhade: How price per pill of lenalidomide kept on rising in USA

Amol Akhade, Consultant medical oncologist at Suyog Cancer Clinics, shared on X/Twitter:

How price per pill of lenalidomide kept on rising in USA. 22 times the price was raised. From 215 $ in 2005 to 763 $ in 2020. And what all Tricks of the trade played by Celgene to keep the price high and block the entry of generics. And when most of the research was funded by government aided grants.  

This is shocking and insane. I don’t know how health economy in USA is able to sustain this and will it collapse on one fine day??

And just to compare the same pill is available for close 2 to 3 $ in India.”


Source: Amol Akhade/X