Tatevik Margaryan: United Nations Armenia has joined the “1/5000” initiative by becoming volunteer blood donors
Feb 18, 2024, 15:07

Tatevik Margaryan: United Nations Armenia has joined the “1/5000” initiative by becoming volunteer blood donors

Tatevik Margaryan, Project Manager at Immune Oncology Research Institute shared on LinkedIn:

“I would like to proudly share that the United Nations Armenia has joined the “1/5000” initiative by becoming volunteer blood donors.

The goal of this initiative is to raise awareness on the importance of becoming a blood donor. With a community aware of the vital cause of their role in the resolution of a massive healthcare issue in Armenia we hope to create a new culture of selflessness.

By becoming a blood donor you also become a lifesaver for someone. Blood is life itself, so by giving blood you give life.

I hope this message reaches people’s hearts and changes their behaviour.”

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Source: Tatevik Margaryan/LinkedIn