Wei Zhang: Glad to see IGFBP2 as the top plasma marker for early cancer detection of 18 types of solid tumors
Jan 22, 2024, 09:50

Wei Zhang: Glad to see IGFBP2 as the top plasma marker for early cancer detection of 18 types of solid tumors

Wei Zhang, Director of Cancer Genomics and Precision Oncology, shared on LinkedIn:

”Early Cancer Detection News: ‘In males, the 10 proteins with the lowest p values differentiating cancer from normal were IGFBP2, CKB, CEACAM16, MMP1, ENPP5, ELN, ITIH3, WNT9A, KRT19 and SSC4D, collectively averaging a p value of less than 0.0001.’

Glad to see IGFBP2 as the top plasma marker for early cancer detection of 18 types of solid tumors. Interesting that this is more so in males. Thank you Sarah Dunlap, for alerting me to this new study. All the work we have done on IGFBP2 remains meaningful and is now extended to early cancer detection and possibly prevention.

Sarah’s paper published in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007 Jul 10;104(28):11736-41 was the first that demonstrated IGFBP2 can be an oncogene. Incidentally, Sarah is the Global Director, Early Cancer Detection and Screening at AstraZeneca. How exciting!”

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Source: Wei Zhang/LinkedIn