Beyond the Cancer Diagnosis: Dialogue with Nina Linchiki, by Adrian Pogacian
In the recent episode of ‘Beyond the Cancer Diagnosis’, Adrian Pogacian argues that in the fight against cancer, sometimes we lose something important, but we gain something more precious, along with Nina Linchiki, clinical psychologist, writer, blogger, cancer survivor, and a member of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS).
Nina Linchiki is a clinical psychologist, writer, blogger, cancer survivor, and a member of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS). Diagnosed with cancer at 26, she transformed her personal journey into a mission to support and empower cancer patients. Her book, ” This Will Pass Too – Beat Cancer with Zero Fear” serves as a self-help guide for patients and their loved ones.
With a background in clinical psychology from Ilia State University in Georgia and online educational programs from ESO – the European School of Oncology, her specialties include the psychosocial care of cancer patients and psychoeducation. She has been engaged in publishing blogs, hosting, online webcasts, and giving psychological support to anyone who is affected by chronic illness and needs it. Her main objective is to improve the mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of cancer patients and their relatives.
Nina is currently working on an scientific article titled “Psycho-Social Challenges of Cancer Patients and Modern Approaches to Emotional Support.” She is also the author of the guide “Turn Your Personal Apocalypse Into Your Power: How to Manage Psychological Shock After a Cancer Diagnosis and Build Resilience,” which is available in Georgian, English, and French.
Adrian Pogacian, MS Psychology, clinical psychologist with executive education in Psycho-oncology, holding a degree in Global Health Diplomacy from Geneva Graduate Institute. Currently, researcher and associate lecturer with focus on Impact of Cancer Diagnosis on Couples and Families, Communication in Cancer Care and Posttraumatic Growth. His expertise is on Coping with Cancer and managing Fear of Recurrence.
Additionally, Founder of INCKA Psycho-oncology Center, Host of Beyond the Cancer Diagnosis Interview Series as well as Writer and Host Content in Psycho-oncology at OncoDaily.com, co-author of the first Romanian Multimodal Care Guideline in Pediatric Onco-hematology, active contributor to the International Psycho-oncology Society, presently IPOS Fear of Cancer Recurrence SIG member and IPOS Early Career Professionals in Psycho-Oncology Committee founder member.
In the fight against cancer, sometimes we lose something important, but we gain something more precious
Adrian Pogacian: Dear Nina, to begin our interview, please introduce yourself to our audience… Who is Nina Linchiki?
Nina Linchiki: Dear Adrian, first of all, thank you so much for inviting me to this exciting interview. It’s an honor to be a guest on your wonderful project, Beyond the Diagnosis on OncoDaily.
Who am I? To answer your question, let me divide my life into two parts: ‘before’ and ‘after’ my cancer diagnosis:
Before cancer, I lived in Tbilisi, Georgia, pursuing a Master’s degree in clinical psychology. I participated in innovative projects, attended scientific conferences, wrote poems, and developed ideas that I put in the effort, all with the goal of improving the lives of others. At 26, my life changed forever. I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It all happened so fast that I struggled to even make sense of it. I had very little time to react and reevaluate my situation.
I will never forget the words of my doctor, who told me that there was a 50% probability of my survival. This moment was a complete life-almy tering experience for me and my family. Everything turned upside down as if the sky had fallen.
After receiving the diagnosis, I decided to confront it head-on and build a new life from the shards of pain I experienced. Today, Nina Linchiki is a dedicated clinical psychologist, a cancer survivor, a member of IPOS, and a writer.
During my treatment in France, I began collaborating remotely with Georgian psychologists and oncologists. I created a psychoeducational Facebook platform called Psycho-Oncology for Georgian cancer patients, which now has 12,000 local followers. Nowadays, on this platform, I provide relevant and essential evidence-based information about cancer diagnoses, the importance of yearly screenings, and psychological advice on overcoming fears and anxieties related to cancer.
Periodically, I host live sessions with invited professionals to address the questions that cancer patients and their loved ones often find difficult to answer. Additionally, I organize remote follow-ups and provide psychological consultations for adult cancer patients and their families who reach out to me through chat.
Adrian Pogacian: In addition, throughout your treatment journey, you’ve wrote a book called This Will Pass Too – Beat Cancer with Zero Fear. Could you share with us the main ideas and thoughts behind this effort?
Nina Linchiki: The idea for my book was sparked by a deeply personal moment during my hospitalization. One day in the ward, I had a nearly miraculous experience. Despite the exhaustion, pain, and difficulty breathing, I sat down at my laptop and typed a letter to my cancer. I expressed my belief that I was stronger than it, viewing cancer as a non-existent entity. I vowed not to let it defeat me, as I love life and was determined to fight.
I remember coming home after a long hospitalization and sharing that letter on social media. It quickly received many likes and encouraging comments, including messages from newly diagnosed cancer patients who found it helpful. My followers encouraged me to keep writing, and with their support, I decided to pursue my passion for giving birth of This Will Pass Too – Beat Cancer with Zero Fear.
The front cover of the book features a human face that readers might identify with. It represents a person who has faced cancer, lost their hair, and ultimately decided to embrace their will to live and fight for their life. On the right side of the head, colorful flowers bloom, symbolizing rebirth -representing new hair growth after treatment or the renewal of body cells that contribute to long-term survival.
The title This Will Pass Too is inspired by the biblical legend of King Solomon and his ring, which was engraved with the words, ‘This too shall pass.’ Whenever he faced challenging times, these words reminded him of the temporary nature of adversity. This idea conveys that all hardships in life, including cancer, are temporary – and they will eventually pass.
My book guides cancer patients and their loved ones in finding their personal path on the healing journey. While cancer-related stereotypes and fears often portray the disease as a death sentence, the book reframes it as a temporary challenge in life. The key to overcoming it lies in having confidence in one’s ability to overcome cancer, taking timely action, and following well-established steps to navigate the disease without fear.
To achieve this, I designed an interactive structure that includes psychological exercises and writing prompts for readers to reflect, write, and create personal healing strategies. This allows them to build a mental framework essential for recovery.
On the other hand, This Will Pass Too also serves as a “spiritual sanctuary,” featuring poems and prayers that help cancer patients and their loved ones confront their fears and transform them into sources of strength.
The main idea of the book is as follows: being a cancer patient is a temporary condition; it is crucial not to identify yourself with the disease. Instead, focus on your life goals. With a strong will to live and by following well-established steps, it is entirely possible to rebuild your health.
Adrian Pogacian: “I’ve lost hope many times, but not in the fight against cancer” it is a quote from your personal website. Therefore, I have to ask, how you see Hope? Or, what Hope means to you nowadays?
Nina Linchiki: Hope in a difficult situation is often understood as unrealistic or even toxic at first glance. But what we know from scientific studies – helplessness can have a negative impact on our mental well-being and can cause significant impairments in our daily lives.
For me, cultivating mindful hope has always been essential, especially when it comes to fighting cancer. I agree with Barbara Fredrickson’s explanation of hope through the lens of the Broaden-and-Build Theory, where hope is recognized as one of the ten positive emotions that let us to broaden our mindset about events and the universe.
In modern cancer care, hope is a must if we aim to achieve positive treatment outcomes. It can shift our attitudes and help us accept the diagnosis in a more constructive way.
Adrian Pogacian: Consequently, what advice would you consider for an adolescent or young adult diagnosed with cancer in order to keep its daily motivation to fight with the disease?
Nina Linchiki: My advice for young adults or adolescents:
- Take time to rest.
- Keep a journal, read books, mangas, listen to pleasant music, or simply do what you love the most.
- You have the right to be yourself—sometimes sad, sometimes happy, depressed, or excited…
- Do not identify yourself with someone who has sadly lost their battle with cancer. Your path is unique.
- Spend time with your loved-ones.
- Don’t ignore your physical symptoms. Listen to your body.
- Share your concerns with your oncologist or psychologist. Ask them questions.
- Be mindful when eating; add vegetables and fruits to your healthy diet, drink enough water;Take medications as prescribed by your doctor.
- Hug your loved ones, do activities with them, play games. Be kind and help others.
- Sleep well.
- Stay connected with nature.
Remember, in this fight, you are not alone. There is an army of people ready to fight with you. Let them help you. Don’t isolate yourself. A shaved head, fatigue, nausea, and all other side effects caused by treatment are temporary. Your cancer -and all negativity related to it – will pass. Don’t let your fear be greater than your faith.
Adrian Pogacian: As clinical psychologists and psycho-oncologists, we both have in common the passion for and expertise of coping with cancer. I would like to share, if agree, which coping strategies or mechanisms did you used during the illness trajectory?
Nina Linchiki: We know that coping strategies differ from person to person, and what works for one may not work for another. It largely depends on the patient’s age, personal and professional background, interests, personality traits, cancer stage, cultural influences, and other individual circumstances. For some cancer patients, pursuing their goals, supporting others, following self-help guides, and staying connected with support groups can be very effective coping mechanisms
And what about me? My individualistic and introverted nature has enabled me to analyze the disease not only as something I have to overcome but as something that can be transformed into something meaningful for others. This perspective helped me to discover my mental resources – imagination for guided meditation, hope for healing, faith for strength, and gratitude for appreciating the present moment. In addition, I used coping mechanisms that included maintaining a balanced diet, monitoring my symptoms, engaging in Tai Chi, and writing.
Adrian Pogacian: Hence, how did you manage the fear of recurrence that arises in such situations? Consequently, after all this struggle, in your view what is the emotion opposite to fear?
Nina Linchiki: Beating cancer without fear is possible, but that doesn’t mean the fear of recurrence will never occur. What is interesting is that after learning about my cancer diagnosis, I felt an unusual calmness – as if I knew I would win this unequal battle. I was determined to stay strong and highly motivated to fight. However, I always knew that fear is a natural biological response to threats – it never truly disappears. It stays hidden and waits for vulnerable moments to resurface.
During or after treatment, just when everything seems to be falling into place—you’re in remission, preparing for a new life, trying to regain a sense of confidence—it is often at this very moment that the fear of cancer recurrence arises. It can manifest as sudden and overwhelming thoughts, anxiety, or even physical symptoms such as tachycardia, trembling, or sleeplessness, etc.
If we help cancer patients understand that fear and uncertainty about the future are normal responses, it could be the first step in managing FCR. I emphasize the importance of art therapy as a form of diving into patients’ unconscious minds, helping them express what is suppressed freely and non-judgmentally.
To me, the fear of chronic illnesses and their recurrence is deeply connected to the fear of death. But what is the true opposite of fear? In this context, its opposite must be something that embodies life, nourishment, and renewal.
In this regard, the most powerful counterforce to fear is love -unconditional love-that we give and receive from others.
Adrian Pogacian: As for the last question, you are the author of the guide Turn Your Personal Apocalypse Into Your Power: How to Manage Psychological Shock After a Cancer Diagnosis and Build Resilience. Could you tell us what are your future plans in this challenging field of psycho-oncology?
Nina Linchiki: In Georgia, which is categorized as a low-to-middle-income country (LMIC), financial and systemic difficulties, as well as geographic barriers are the main cause of the inability to access psychosocial services. Through the communication with cancer patients and their family members on my platform, which I mentioned earlier in this interview, I have gained a deep understanding of the need for remote-based psychosocial support, like sharing psychoeducational content about cancer screening, diagnosis, services, how to manage side effects of treatments, and resisting distress and fears caused by the sudden changes in their life.
My future plans in psycho-oncology are developing AI-based solutions to ensure that Georgian cancer patients receive timely and effective psychosocial support, regardless of their location or financial situation. This could be one of the solutions that can help bridge the gaps in psycho-oncology, especially in the AI-driven era. Additionally, I believe that fostering innovation and global access to psychosocial services can be achieved through international collaboration Like IPOS does to lead to the development and implementation of patient care advances in the complex field of psycho-oncology.
Previous episodes of Beyond the Cancer Diagnosis.
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ASCO Annual Meeting
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OncoThon 2024, Online
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