March, 2025
March 2025
Kelley Wood: Can exercise optimize cancer survival rates?
Mar 19, 2025, 07:50

Kelley Wood: Can exercise optimize cancer survival rates?

Kelley WoodDirector of Research at ReVital Cancer Rehabilitation, reshared a post by on LinkedIn:

“Can exercise optimize cancer survival rates?

New study shows Colorectal Cancer survivors meeting exercise guidelines had similar, and in some cases better, survival rates than non-cancer controls.

That’s ~30 mins x 5 days/wk of…

  • Walking 3+ mph
  • Bicycling <10 mph
  • Dancing
  • Golf (walking and carrying clubs)
  • Hatha yoga
  • Water aerobics or swimming
  • Lifting weights
  • Ping pong
  • Doubles tennis or pickle ball
  • Household chores like sweeping/mopping
  • Outdoor chores like gardening, raking leaves or using a push mower

BUT less than 30% of survivors in this study met guidelines.

In other studies, most survivors report enjoying and wanting to return to these activities… but that they want encouragement/recommendations from their doctor.

Talk to survivors about exercise. Connect them with local supports like Cancer Rehab & Exercise Oncology programs that can help them stay safe and address barriers.

Find resources here.”


“Just published in Cancer. Can exercise help colon cancer survivors live as long as matched individuals in the general population?

Physical activity may help colon cancer survivors achieve long-term survival rates similar to those of people in the general population, according to a recent study led by Justin Brown, PhD, of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center and the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center.

“This new information can help patients with colon cancer understand how factors that they can control—their physical activity levels—can have a meaningful impact on their long-term prognosis,” said Dr. Brown.

“Also, medical and public health personnel and policymakers are always seeking new ways to communicate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Quantifying how physical activity may enable a patient with colon cancer to have a survival experience that approximates their friends and family without cancer could be a simple but powerful piece of information that can be leveraged to help everyone understand the health benefits of physical activity.”

Authored by Justin C. Brown, chao ma, Qian Shi, Leonard B. Saltz, Anthony Shields, and Jeffrey Meyerhardt.”

The association of physical activity with survival in colon cancer versus a matched general population: Data from Cancer and Leukemia Group B 89803 and 80702 (Alliance).

Authors: Justin C. Brown, et al.

Kelley Wood: Can exercise optimize cancer survival rates?