Brittney Abernathy: Introducing Frontiers in Cancer Control and Society
Brittney Abernathy, Journal Manager for Frontiers in Cancer Control and Society and Oncology Reviews, posted the following on LinkedIn:
“During my time at ESMO Asia, I spent a lot of time introducing my youngest journal—a project I’m very passionate about. I then realized that I’ve never shared an overview of the journal with my LinkedIn network. So today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Frontiers in Cancer Control and Society.
Led by Field Chief Editor Prof. Eero Pukkala of the Finnish Cancer Registry (Syöpärekisteri), this multidisciplinary journal focuses on primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of cancer. It aims to bridge the gap between understanding cancer risk factors and implementing effective control strategies.
Frontiers in Cancer Control and Society features four key sections:
- Cancer Survival: Exploring factors that influence cancer outcomes and strategies to improve survival rates. Section led by Prof. Vesna Zadnik.
- Behavioural Aspects in Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: Investigating how human behavior impacts early detection and diagnosis of cancer. Section led by Christian Von Wagner.
- Social Determinants in Cancer: Examining the role of socioeconomic factors in cancer risk, prevention, and treatment outcomes. Section led by Ana Maria Lopez.
- Multifaceted Approaches in Cancer Support: Addressing the complex needs of cancer patients and survivors through comprehensive support strategies. Eric van Breda.
Key features of the journal:
- Emphasizes translational research with real-world applications for cancer control programs
- Encourages multidisciplinary collaboration, bringing together diverse perspectives to tackle complex cancer control challenges
- Provides open access to facilitate knowledge sharing among researchers, policymakers, and the public
This journal represents an important step forward in our collective efforts to reduce the global burden of cancer. By fostering collaboration across disciplines and focusing on implementable solutions, Frontiers in Cancer Control and Society aims to drive meaningful progress in cancer prevention and control.
I encourage researchers and professionals working in relevant fields to consider submitting your work to this innovative new journal. Together, we can advance the scientific breakthroughs needed to combat cancer more effectively.”
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