October, 2024
October 2024
Guiding oncologists in aggressive cancer treatments: App by Vall d’Herbon
Oct 14, 2024, 17:03

Guiding oncologists in aggressive cancer treatments: App by Vall d’Herbon

Oriol Mirallas, Medical Oncology Specialist at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, shared a post by Vall d’Hebron, on X, adding:

“Thank you 3Cat for the reporting and visibility of PROMISE Score! We hope to help both doctors and patients.

Full article.”

Quoting Vall d’Hebron‘s post:

“Vall d’Hebron creates an app to guide oncologists in aggressive cancer treatments. ‘The goal is to adjust the medical treatment during hospitalization as much as possible to the patient’s needs,’ says the Dr. Mirallas , author of the tool.”

cancer treatments

Development of a prognostic model to predict 90-day mortality in hospitalised cancer patients (PROMISE tool): a prospective observational study

Author: Oriol Mirallas, Berta Martin-Cullell, Víctor Navarro, Kreina Sharela Vega, Jordi Recuero-Borau, Diego Gómez-Puerto, Daniel López-Valbuena, Clara Salva de Torres, Laura Andurell, Anna Pedrola, Roger Berché, Fiorella Palmas, José María Ucha, Guillermo Villacampa, Alejandra Rezqallah, Judit Sanz-Beltran, Rafael Bach, Sergio Bueno, Cristina Viaplana, Gaspar Molina, Alberto Hernando-Calvo, Juan Aguilar-Company, María Roca, Eva Muñoz-Couselo, Alex Martínez-Martí, Ada Alonso, Simeon Eremiev, Teresa Macarulla, Ana Oaknin, Cristina Saura, Elena Élez, Enriqueta Felip, Ángeles Peñuelas, Rosa Burgos, Patricia Gómez Pardo, Elena Garralda, Josep Tabernero, Sònia Serradell, Sònia Servitja, David Paez, Rodrigo Dienstmann, Joan Carles

cancer treatments

Oriol Mirallas is a Medical Oncologist at the Phase I Unit at Vall Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) with a focus on translational and clinical cancer research. He is currently pursuing a PhD on resistance mechanisms to new drugs, using liquid biopsy analysis.