Paweł Sobczuk: Young Oncologists Section of the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology is on LinkedIn
Sep 26, 2024, 13:18

Paweł Sobczuk: Young Oncologists Section of the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology is on LinkedIn

Paweł Sobczuk shared a post by Sekcja Młodych Onkologów PTOK on LinkedIn, adding:

“Young Oncologists Section of the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology is on LinkedIn. Please follow us to stay updated on our activities!”

Quoting Pawel Sobczuk:

“It’s time for us to introduce ourselves!
Here we are! Section of Young Oncologists at the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology(PTOK).

The objectives of our activities are:
➡ education: oncologists who are starting their career in oncology, especially in the field of difficult and rarely discussed topics,
➡ popularization of oncology as a specialization: encouraging medical students to choose this career path,
➡ Research activities: conducting scientific research on important pro-patient topics as well as on the oncological community.

The Board of the Young Oncologists Section:
Chairwoman of the Board of the Section – Joanna Kiszka MD, PhD
Secretary of the Section Board – Anna Brodziak MD
Treasurer of the Section Board – Dawid Sigorski, MD, PhD

The Audit Committee of the Young Oncologists Section:
Chairperson of the Section Audit Committee – Agnieszka Rudzińska, MD
Member of the Audit Committee – Katarzyna Machulska-Ciuraj, MD
Member of the Audit Committee – Zuzanna Synowiec

There are already several dozen of us! Want to join? Welcome!”

Paweł Sobczuk, MS, is a medical oncology fellow at the Department of Soft Tissue/Bone Sarcoma and Melanoma at Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw , Poland. He graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw in 2016. He is also the Chair of the Young Oncologists Section and Board Member of the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology, member of ESMO Young Oncologists Committee and ESMO Climate Change Task Force.

His scientific focus is on the role of hormonal signaling in renal cell cancer pathogenesis. He has worked on development of prognostic and predictive nomograms for patients with desmoid tumours and rare subtypes of sarcomas. Beyond his clinical and scientific work, he is highly involved in science communication and a laureate of Polish final of FameLab 2021, a competition for science communicators.