Manchester Cancer Research Centre bids farewell to a retiring professor
Aug 16, 2024, 12:59

Manchester Cancer Research Centre bids farewell to a retiring professor

“July marked a significant milestone for Professor Nic Jones when he took a step back from his responsibilities at the MCRC and Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute.

It is with great joy and nostalgia that we reflect on all that Nic has brought to Manchester and the significant roles he’s played in cancer research.

This blog covers some, not all, of the remarkable career of an even more remarkable person.

Whether you worked side-by-side with Nic, or at a distance, your journey has undoubtedly been touched and shaped by his influence which significantly changed what cancer research looks like here in Manchester.

However, this is not a ‘goodbye’ and not even a ‘see you later’.

Nic intends to remain integrally involved in our cancer research activities through Trustee roles and by staying on at The University of Manchester as an Emeritus Professor.

Read all about his prestigious career that shaped cancer research here”
