ESMOGI24 Presentations Summarized By Megan Barnet
Jun 27, 2024, 14:49

ESMOGI24 Presentations Summarized By Megan Barnet

ESMO GI 2024 is taking place as an onsite event in Munich, Germany, from 26 to 29 June 2024, as well as online, through a dedicated virtual platform. The congress will be the place to present impactful new data in GI oncology.

Megan Barnet, Medical Oncologist at The Kinghorn Cancer Centre, shared a few highlights from the conference.

Masterclass in ctDNA from Jeanne Tie

Efforts to improve sensitivity including:

  • track more mutations (WES vs panel)
  • reduce BG noise (seq PBMCs, technical improvements)
  • increase of DNA input (how much blood ethically ok with serial collections)


Further consideration of ESOPEC with Ian Chau 

  • FLOT in Germany > FLOT rest-of-world?
  • pCR FLOT4, DANTE, ESOPEC 15-17% vs others ~7%


Great summary from Ryan Corcoran

Re targeting RAS. Similar single agent ORR G12Cinh PDAC compared with NSCLC, vs CRC which improves with addition anti-EGFR. Supports KRAS good target in PDAC …just need to progress in G12D.


A reminder from Professor Karin Haustermans 

Why radiation oncologists dislike PROSPECT (…aside from inclusion of patients who didn’t need NA treatment).


Unsurprising QoL data for TRANSMET

Late deviation in favour LT plus C vs C. Interesting summary from Chiara Cremolini re pattern of relapse liver TP (lung dominant) v resection (liver dominant).