ASTRO 24: 15 Posts Not to Miss From Day 2
The 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) is ongoing at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, from September 29 to October 2, 2024.
The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) is a prominent professional organization dedicated to enhancing the field of radiation oncology. Established in 1958, ASTRO’s mission centers on improving patient care through a multifaceted approach that includes education, research, and advocacy.
The meeting is ongoing as a live event with a virtual option available for those unable to attend in person, ensuring broad participation from professionals across the field.
The theme for the 2024 meeting is “Targeting Provider Wellness for Exceptional Patient Care.” This theme emphasizes the importance of mental and physical well-being among healthcare providers, which is crucial for delivering high-quality patient care
Here are some Highlights from ASTRO24 Day 2:
“Remarkable Day 2 at ASTRO24 for many reasons, chief among them a high impact Plenary Session. I mean when was the last time there were this many practice informing trials that were technically all negative?
Presented by Jason Efstathiou, Sue Yom, Kristin Higgins.
Posing many mechanistic questions that require further study …”
“ASTRO24 – split course hypofractionated radiotherapy and immunotherapy. Interesting approach and appears in a single arm trial to be safe and effective and doesn’t appear to blunt the outcomes of immunotherapy.”
“Proud to be a Radiation Oncology Institute supporter (and prior grantee!) ROI advances research and education so that patients with cancer can receive high-quality, innovative radiation treatment that enhances their quality of life and ultimately, saves more lives. Visit the booth today!”
“A great Presidential Address at ASTRO24 from Howard Sandler. I particularly enjoyed pointing out how silly it is to report outcomes to multiple decimal points when they include only a few dozen patients – 0.01 months is < 6 hours!”
“Superb study by Dr Chen ASTRO24 yesterday on preventing radiation induced lung injury with Pirfenidone
Ph2 randomised study in Gr 2 RILI
Significant improvement in DLCO, FVC and FEV1
Improvement in CT appearances
decreased in acute pulmonary exacerbation
Ph3 urgently needed.”
“It was very interesting time to observe how others are trying to do something new for partial breast irradiation. (Three-fraction, single-fraction, IORT, brachytherapy, prone, etc.) In general, I agree with what Dr. Shah summarized in the discussion.”
“So happy to have run into Omar Mian at astro24, it’s only been a month but we miss him dearly at CCF! Thanks for all your mentorship over the past 2 years. Can’t wait to make a west coast trip in the future!”
“So I made Beant Gill take a selfie with me. Been so nice to get to know an outstanding local community practice radiation oncology via ASTRO.
Advocacy and reconnect at ASTRO24.”
“ASTRO24 – Dr Ohri discussed quality of life outcomes in the adaptive radiotherapy SPRINT PET ‘chemotherapy-free’ lung cancer trial.
76% PFS already reported at 1-year, and now quality of outcomes with RT + pembrolizumab
de-intensification appears favorable!”
“Today at ASTRO24 a med student asked about my Match story. I shared my journey, my out of state residency, research year and all my passion for it. Asked why I chose UTSW among all opportunities, and I just said: To be a good RadOnc, you must learn it from those who defined it.”
“Wonderful evening celebrating Radiation Oncology! It was great to see so many colleagues and even get a visit from Neha Vapiwala. Thank you to all who joined us!”
“Some thoughts ASTRO24. Should we try to avoid large rad onc trials that will take a decade to complete? The advances of radiation oncology simply can’t catch up with drug developments before some trial regimens become obsolete. Shall we focus on smaller mechanistic trials with faster turnaround? Stop insisting on large phase 3 (with rare exceptions)?”
“Bite-Sized Well-Being by Bryan Sexton. Well-being is being able to see good and bad across situations. Small interventions can help to make a difference in the well-being of others. Follow the positive emotions.”
“Rockstar Seraphina Choi delivered an exceptional presentation on the toxicities associated with photon versus proton post-mastectomy radiotherapy in pre-pectoral implant-based breast reconstruction.”
“We closed out day 2 of ASTRO24 presentations with our Director of Adaptive Therapy in Medical Physics, Mu-Han Lin, discussing simulation-free workflows. It’s been a great day with more fantastic conversations and presentations to come!”
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