Aaron Goodman: I have strong opinions on FLT3i maintenance post allogeneic transplant
Nov 11, 2023, 17:32

Aaron Goodman: I have strong opinions on FLT3i maintenance post allogeneic transplant

Aaron Goodman shared a post by Wolver Heme on X/Twitter:

“I have strong opinions on FLT3i maintenance post allogeneic transplant. Basically, we just put a patient through the most intensive therapy possible (induction chemotherapy followed by an allogeneic transplant). I will not prescribe maintenance unless I am given solid data on Overall Survival advantage.”

Quoting Wolver Heme‘s post:

The newest episode is out! ‘AML Maintenance Part 2: a metaMORPHOsis?Anthony Perissinotti and Bernie Marini tackle the tough topic of FLT3i maintenance therapy!”

For the episode click here.
Source: Aaron Goodman/Twitter and Wolver Heme/Twitter

Aaron Goodman is a Hematologist/ Oncologist and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. He is a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guideline committee for both cutaneous NHLs and T-cell NHLs. Dr. Goodman is a well-known physician-scientist, educator, advocate, and social media influencer.