March, 2025
March 2025
Christos Tsagkaris: Returning from the UN City Copenhagen with valuable insights, ideas and action plans
Apr 17, 2024, 11:03

Christos Tsagkaris: Returning from the UN City Copenhagen with valuable insights, ideas and action plans

Christos Tsagkaris, Orthopaedic Surgery Resident at Children’s Hospital, Zurich, posted on LinkedIn:

“Knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted. The WHO Regional Office for Europe supported by the European Commission’s Directorates-General (DG) for Health and Food Safety invited us to a communications workshop covering the role of peer-reviewed and social media in tackling alcohol consumption.

The youth committee of the Evidence in Action (evidaction) project reunited, interacted and learnt from mentors, researchers and civil society representatives.

Returning from the UN City Copenhagen with valuable insights, ideas and action plans. Many thanks to the organisers and the evidaction community for the great experience – until next time!”

Christos Tsagkaris: Returning from the UN City Copenhagen with valuable insights, ideas and action plans

Source: Christos Tsagkaris/LinkedIn

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OncoDaily was founded in 2023. It is a US-based oncology media platform, which features the latest news, insights, and patient stories from the world of oncology. Within a short period of time it became one of the leading oncology media platforms globally.

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